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Accept At Your Own Risk!


The magic acronym that didn’t exist until right now.

Look at that!
Right in front of our very eyes!

Are you excited?
Don’t be.
You just fell prey to the problem.
AAYOR doesn’t actually exist.
Go ahead and google it.
If it’s 2022, this article may pop up. (That thought scares me.)
But nothing else will.

While the acronym doesn’t exist.
The behavior does.
Our tendency to accept that our lives will be just like everyone else’s.

Can’t blame us though.
What happened when we were in elementary school and stood out of line?
“Hey! Sit back down!”
“Seth! Get back in line”
Oh yeah, maybe it was just me?
Nope. Actually, I was great at following the rules.
I followed the rules right into a dissatisfying career.
Which brings me to writing this.
Sitting alone in a public library.
In Surprise, AZ.

Have you ever toured an elementary school?
You see how they walk through the hallways.
In a single file line like a group of ants.
Don’t stand out!
Why aren’t you in dress code!?
This is how you pronounce that!
Color inside the lines, Seth!
Your “C’s” don’t look right!
It goes on and on.

In the big picture, it’s actually quite simple.

Here’s 95% of people’s exact life path:

  1. Go to school.
  2. Play sports.
  3. Do homework.
  4. Make friends.
  5. Graduate from high school.
  6. Do it all over again in college.
  7. But add considerable amounts of drugs and alcohol. (Not advised.)
  8. Graduate from college.
  9. Get a job.
  10. Get married.
  11. Have kids.
  12. Work your butt off for 40 hours a week.
  13. Vacation every year for 10 days.
  14. Repeat until you retire at 65.
  15. Sell your house in Illinois.
  16. Move to Phoenix.
  17. Don’t forget your Lincoln Town Car.
  18. Go to your local library every morning.
  19. Drop by Sprouts on the way home.
  20. Watch Netflix and eat your apple sauce.
  21. Go to sleep at 6:30PM.
  22. Repeat until..
  23. Well.. You know.

Did that get out of hand?
Was it untrue?
Not totally!
So what’s the takeaway?
Well, I’m working on that, can you let me finish little voice in my head?
Yes, very well. Go on! Go on!

It’s nice to have a little voice in your head that you can talk to about your writing.
That way, I don’t feel so singled out by all the angry looks I’m getting by my fellow Surprise Public Library patrons.

Click. Click click. Click click click.
Type type. Type type type.

Why the sound of a person typing on a keyboard isn’t a popular sleep sound is beyond my ability to comprehend.

But again, I’m just a dude typing in a library at 3:00PM on a Tuesday.

The “R word”!

The act that will get you a one-way ticket to Azkaban in elementary school sure does seem to be respected in the real world.
Okay maybe not the entire real world.
But perhaps the entrepreneurial world?

It would just be such a sad, boring world we lived in if everyone followed the status quo.
If no one bucked.
If everyone sat down back down or got back in line.
At my high school, they didn’t even want the boys to grow their hair out past their ears.

Every day that we are lucky enough to wake up to our alarm clock and greet the day with a slight hangover-induced headache and a smile on our face ready to sit under incandescent light bulbs for the next 8 hours, we could consider doing the following:

  1. Put a sticky note on our bedside table that says, “AAYOR”.
  2. Put a sticky note on our bathroom mirror that says, “AAYOR”.
  3. Put a sticky note on our office monitor that says, “AAYOR”.

But when your boss and/or co-workers ask, and you know they will, because, let’s be honest, everyone only keeps the structure of packing people into an office together so they don’t have to face the realization that they’ve spent their entire careers getting what could have taken 3 hours to do alone in your home 8 hours to do with all the chit-chat and B.S. that goes on in offices.

Sorry for the rant.

So when your boss and/or co-workers ask what “AAYOR” means, make sure you respond.

“It means Attitude, Acceleration, Yes, Overcome, and Reach of course!!!”

Then you can expect a smile, nod, and high five depending on the level of nonsense that your office operates at.

But this is all just a thought.

So Accept it At Your Own Risk.

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