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An Empty Tool Box

What if we are all just handymen walking around with a tool box?

You see, we entrepreneurs are sensitive people.
We are the artists of the business world.
Putting ourselves out there.
Getting up on stage and showing the world our deep dark secrets.
The things we’ve conjoured up in our minds.
The problems in the world that we’re tired of dealing with.

I used to think you either have it or you don’t.
Entrepreneurship isn’t a tool in your tool box.
You can’t learn entrepreneurship.
You either got it or you don’t.

I’ve begun to frame this idea of entreprenurship in a different way.

My Old Understanding

You’re either born with it or you’re not.
Entrepreneurs are born, not created.
Not built. Not taught.
You either have it or you don’t.

Now, I still think part of this is true.
Just like some people are born with the biology to be an olympic sprinter,
Some people are born with the physiology to be an entrepreneur.
But my understanding has evolved lately.

My New Understanding

You aren’t really born an entreprenuer.
You’re born with some traits that make you more likely to move that direction.
You’re born a “handyman”.
You can do pretty much anything if you take the time to learn it.
But you are born with an empty tool box.
You only have the predisposition to be able to create, fix, build.

You are born with an empty tool box, and it’s up to you to decide what kind of tools you want to put in your tool box.
You can be the most knowledgeable handyman(entrepreneur) in the world.
But if you show up to a broken house(problem) with an empty tool box(skills),
You’re ultimately useless.

How much value is there in knowing what to do?
But not knowing how to do it?

Yes, a lot of entrepreneurship is having the courage to step out and take a risk.
But how can you fix a broken house with an empty tool box?


If you haven’t found your idea, calling, or passion yet,
That’s okay.
Don’t focus on that, because it will come.
You can’t force it.
It’s like trying to run fast while flexing every muscle in your body.
Instead, focus on building skills and adding tools to your tool box.
That way, when you finally find a house you want to work on,
You’re not showing up with an empty tool box.

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