If you’re just starting out or thinking about getting started with computer programming, this is most likely the question bouncing around in your head – “What computer programming language should I learn first?”

How do I know?
Because I’ve been there and you’d be crazy for that not kind of obsessing over making the right decision out of the gate.
I am sure you’ve heard – It typically takes hundreds of hours to master a new programming language. So you definitely don’t want to mess this decision up.
So, we know this is a very big and very important decision. But how do you make it? How do you know what’s right?
Fortunately, or unfortunately I guess, every person you ask will have a different answer. I am here to give my perspective as someone with a completely non-technical background (Finance) who is a self-taught programmer and started at age 26.
Ready to cut to the chase? Me too, let’s get into it.
Don’t Pick Python
I started with Python and loved it but would NEVER start with that language first if I could do it all again.
My reasoning here is simple – It sucks to play with.
If you’re going to learn to code and sacrifice 100’s of hours of your life to learn it then it better be at least a little bit of fun. There is nothing fun about writing files in your text editor and running them on your console.
Can you show your friends what you’ve been working on? Nope, not unless they’re sitting right there at your computer. Even then, if they aren’t technical, they’re going to wonder why it’s cool that you can type a number into a black screen and get it multiplied by 5. Or better yet, takes a height in inches and tells you whether you can ride the roller coaster or not.
Yes, these are the exercises you go through in the most popular book out there on Python.
Can you start with Python and enjoy it? Yes, of course. But it is harder to stay motivated when the things you are building are scripts that tend to run in the background.
So, are you wondering when I’m going to stop beating around the bush and go ahead and tell you what language to start with?
I thought you might be.
And this is where my bounce rate goes through the roof. Don’t know what bounce rate is? You should if you’re going to be a developer. A bounce is when a visitor to your site lands on one page and exits without navigating to a second page on your site.
I know I’m telling you the obvious answer. But it’s the obvious answer because, in my opinion, it’s the right answer to set you up for a long term and fulfilling programming journey.
The truth is, there is absolutely NOTHING sexy about telling your friends and family that you’re learning HTML.
Is that even a programming language?
Your Mom Martha
Isn’t that from like the 80’s?
Your Dad Doug
Be prepared to be ridiculed and quickly introduced to the world of imposter syndrome where legacy developers will tell you, “Well… technically HTML isn’t even a programming language, it’s actually a markup language.”
My advice when these situations come up – Ignore them. Stop tweeting about your new programming hobby. Stay focused on getting things done and getting out of the womb of programming birth.
Yes, HTML is not that amazing. It’s not that cool. And it’s not something that’s gonna get you street credit on the dark alleyways of the web.
But, that doesn’t mean it’s not the right place for most people to start.
Here are the reasons HTML should be your first programming language
1. It is the easiest thing to get started with.
You want momentum on your side with this career path. You want small wins. You want to feel like you’re accomplishing something. And most of all, you want to be able to see how what you’re learning can be applied to real world production websites.
2. It is the foundation for everything.
HTML is the bones. It’s the concrete and mortar.
It is the core of a webpage and webpages are the most common way we interact with the web. For these and many other reasons, it’s a fantastic reason to start with HTML.
3. It’s easy to work with.
There’s no importing this or that. There’s no special program, software, or package you need to install. You throw some html tags in a text editor and you’re off and running. Start here. Get your feet wet. See if this is something that’s giving you energy or making your eyes roll back in your head.
Really? HTML? Are you sure?
Listen, I know there is someone out there who’s got some great situation and reason that HTML is a terrible first language to start with. But, I’d argue that is for a very small minority of people. This is the right move for most people and it’s knowledge is never going to hurt you. Especially as we seem to be moving more towards a Full Stack preference in the industry (other people’s words, not mine).
I can’t express enough how strongly I feel about this. For most people, being able to SEE and SHOW others what you’re learning and doing is such a critical part of keeping the momentum going. This journey is long and difficult. And it gets harder once you get into scripting languages and other libraries and frameworks. So do yourself a favor and start with the simple and obvious first language – Good, ole, HTML.
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